5.Speak Good English Movement
5-1 Speak Good English Movementとはなにか
5-2 これまでの経過
5-3 シラバスの改定
5-4 今後の展望
5-1 Speak Good English
Good English Movementについて考えていきたい。この運動の基本的な目的は「Singlishとして知られているシンガポール英語が外国人に通用しないとの理由で、学校では正しい『標準英語』を教えるべきだ」(本名2000:41)というものである。
5-2 これまでの経過
Most of our pupils still come from
non-English speaking homes. For them, English is really a
second language, to be learnt almost like a foreign
language, and not their mother tongue. For them to master
just one version of English is already quite a challenge.
If they get into the habit of speaking Singlish, then
later they will either have to unlearn these habits, or
learn proper English on top of Singlish. Many pupils will
find this too difficult. They may end up unable to speak
any language properly, which would be a tragedy.
Gurmit Singh can speak many languages. But Phua Chu
Kang speaks only Singlish. If our children learn Singlish
from Phua Chu Kang, they will not become as talented as
Gurmit Singh. We learn English in order to communicate
with the world. The fact that we use English gives us a
big advantage over our competitors. Parents send children
to English language schools rather than Chinese, Malay,
or Tamil schools, because they hope the children will get
jobs and opportunities when they grow up. But to become
an engineer, a technician, an accountant or a nurse, you
must have standard English, not Singlish.
We don't have to speak English with British,
American, or Australian accents.... I therefore asked TCS
to try persuading Phua Chu Kang to attend NTUC's BEST
classes, to improve his English. TCS replied that they
have spoken to Phua Chu Kang, and he has agreed to enrol
himself for the next BEST programme, starting in a
month's time. If Phua Chu Kang can improve himself,
surely so can the rest of us.
Chu Kangを例にとりあげている。ゴー首相は、Phua
Chu Kangが番組内で話している英語が標準英語ではなくSinglishであるため、若い世代が彼を真似てSinglishを話すことを「格好いい」と思うのを危惧しているのである。一方、弟であるGurmit
Chu Kangではなく Gurmit Singhのようになってもらいたい、そう語っているのだ。
Good English Movementと呼ばれる運動が始まった。
Even within Singapore, the term Singlish is often used
with negative overtones, to mean little more than 'poor
English.' Indeed, the term has ever been extended to
refer to 'poor' local versions of other languages.
(Brown 1999: vi)
I use Singlish primary because it's funny and lends a
certain local flavour to the language in that it makes it
more interesting to hear. Also, I use it abound with]
others to break through some social barriers sometimes.
It tends to make others feel more comfortable as compared
to when I speak “proper” English. Also for emphasis
on certain points I wish to make but only in social
circumstances [i.e., in informal social interactions],
not for serious meetings. I find that a lah here and
there always helps things along.
(Ho 1999: 15 [ ]はHoによる注釈である)
この運動が具体的な形として表れたのが、2000年に政府系の編集で出版された Grammar
MattersシリーズやSpeak well. Be understood.である。同年に、民間からもSinglish
to Englishが出版され、その全てがSinglishの文法的な誤りを正すことを目的として編纂されている。
Grammar that is taught as discrete items does not help
learners to communicate efficiently or appropriately.
Instruction in the grammar component of a language should
be undertaken in context and according to learners'
need....learning the rules of grammar alone does not make
one proficient in using language...the correctness of a
grammar item or a particular may depend on the
context...grammar should be taught meaningfully through
tasks and activities relating to a topic or some
communicative function.
(Ministry of Education 1991: 2, 54)
5-3 シラバスの改定
Knowledge of grammar and how it functions contributes to
effective language use. The study of grammatical features
and lexis is closely related to the study of text types.
Grammar and lexis contribute to the meaning of a text.
Good English Movementの目的である、'proper'
5-4 今後の展望
Speak Good English Movementが始まって以来、シンガポール内外でこの運動の是非が話題になるとき、必ず議論の対象になるのがSinglishの国内言語としての働きである。もちろん、運動の結果「標準英語」が日常的なものになる可能性も否定できない。だが、
本名信行. (2000)「アジアの英語事情6―シンガポールの場合」,『英語教育』,
9月号: 40-41,
Ho, Main Lian. (1998), “Forms and Functions of
Republication in Colloquial Singaporean English”
Asian Englishes vol1 No.2, Tokyo: ALC Press, 5-16
Ho, Wah Kam. (1998), “English Language Teaching in
Southeast Asia: Continuity and
Change” Asian Englishes vol.1 No.1,
Tokyo: ALC Press, 5-30
Brown, Adam. (1999). Singapore English in a Nutshell - An
alphabetical description of its features, Singapore:
Federal Publications
Ministry of Education. (1991), English Language Syllabus (Primary),
Ministry of Education
Vj Times Editorial Team,. (2000). Singlish to English:
Basic grammar guide, Singapore:
Vj Times
International Pte Ltd.
Ward, Chiristopher S., ed. (2000). Grammar Matters :
Talking about things, Singapore :
SEAMEO Regional
Language Centre